Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Amaizing !

I'm delivering the final selection of replica pots to Hengistbury Head later today. I think they will go down well. I have made an archive of images of them on the website :-

The Hengistbury project has been a bit like growing sweet corn - it has taken a good few months from looking at the seed catalogue and choosing the variety to grow; then germinating the seeds in small pots - the seeds are fairly large and obviously like the final product, but a bit dried up; then nurturing the small plants and planting them out when the frosts have gone; checking their growth - keep the snails away, feeding them and watering them when it is dry; watching the cobs swell and mature; finally picking the crop and peeling away the husks to reveal the beautiful corn hiding in the silk tassles. Then enjoying the taste with friends and family! Make your own connections with the ceramic processes!

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